nTopology 4.2.3


nTopology 4.2.3

nTop 4.2 - What's New
nTop Automate for Linux
- nTop Automate for Linux is now available on nTop Dashboard. More information and the are enabled for the paid customers of nTop Automate, formerly known as nTop Command Line Interface (CLI).


Usage Improvements
- We have resized the ribbon to display more tabs for easier navigation.


- We have updated the arrow to display a blue underline when a selected tab is out of view.
- We have updated the double-click on collapsed long (3+ lines) descriptions or comments to expand to the full height, so you can quickly view the text at a glance.
Block Updates
We updated the Transient Thermal Analysis (Beta) block with an input that accepts a user-defined value or field for the initial temperature of the analyzed components. In addition to this, we also updated several inputs to the block for better control of the analysis. The block inputs for the latest version are as follows :
- Model: The finite element model.
- Load case: The restraints and applied thermal loads.
- Initial temperature: The initial temperature of the components in the FE Model.
- Duration: Duration of the simulation.
- Initial time step: Initial time step for the transient analysis. The program will control the step size for subsequent steps.
- Save increment: Controls the amount of data stored and accessible after the simulation completes. The default value of 1 will save results for all increments, whereas a value of 0 will save only the first and last increment. For any value N > 1, the block will save results for every N increment.
- Fixed time step: Option to fix the initial time step for the entire analysis. If this option is unchecked, the solver uses an automatic time-stepping scheme that varies the initial time step based on the stability of the analysis.
- In addition to these inputs, We also updated the HUD to reflect the Time duration elapsed for a specific Iteration (previously called Solution Step) selected by the user .
Bug Fixes
- We fixed an issue that caused nTop to exit unexpectedly if you attempted any boolean operation on the implicit body property of an empty mesh.
- We fixed an issue in the Merge Graphs, and Merge Lattices block that prevented face-based graphs or lattices from merging correctly if two faces were identical but with opposite normals.
- We fixed an issue where Point List and Vector List inputs were not displayed in the notebook after saving the file in nTop Automate.
- We fixed an issue with multiple block messages getting cut off when displaying from a block positioned at the top of the notebook.
- We have updated the URLs connecting to nTop from ntopology.com to ntop.com, and you can learn more about it in our Allowlisting Guide.
